Holiday Stress-Buster Key 3: Flip the Script
Key 3 provides another tool to
Change your perception of what’s stressing you out
You’ve probably heard the phrase: “Life is what you make it” and “what you focus on expands”. Maybe even when you were suffering and struggling with something, someone had the nerve to tell you “it’s all in your head”.
Well, the good news is, it’s true. And, the fact that it’s all in your head actually gives you tremendous power, because YOU are the one who gets to decide if you’ll be stressed, overwhelmed, sad, lonely or mad this holiday season.
Try this for a moment:
Tell yourself: These are going to be the hardest, most awful holidays I’ve ever spent. There isn’t enough time to do everything that has to be done. I don’t have enough money, and ____________ (fill in the blanks with your “ain’t it awful story”).
Notice how you feel. Maybe tense, angry, sad…? Yuck! What happens to your body? Tension, pain, knots in your stomach? Your body doesn’t respond very positively to this story, does it?
So, since you’re making it all up any way, why not make it up in your favor?
Let’s flip the script:
Paint of picture of the most wonderful holidays possible (since what we focus on expands). Don’t worry about the details, just imagine yourself feeling happy, satisfied, joyous, relaxed, connected, spacious with your time and energy. Laugh at the things that usually drive you crazy, see yourself untouched and unscathed by other people’s should’s and ought-to’s.
How does that make you feel? Which feeling do you prefer? YOU get to CHOOSE!
Remember, no one can drive you crazy without your permission, so put yourself back in the driver’s seat by changing your story. Your thoughts can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, so take control and use your mind to attract to you what you really want and deserve. (Remember Key 1, keep asking “What’s possible?”).
Your Imagination is a powerful magnet, attracting to you what you project.
Use it Wisely.
Have fun making up your story, and make sure you write the script where YOU are the star, the hero/heroine who triumphs over all!
I’d love to hear your comments, your new story, or how the keys are working for you. Contact me by email, on Facebook, or leave a comment here.
Love and blessings,